Human Factors & User Experience

We use a systematic approach to capture the human factor complexity

The user experience (UX) approach is at the crossroads of several disciplines: ergonomics, ethnography, cognitive sciences, and design. It consists of rigorous and concrete methods that lead to the design of products that are truly user-centered.

This transversal process aims to fundamentally improve physical and digital product quality, from safety to emotions, from the definition requirements to the validation.
The benefits of a user-centered approach:

What we do

User Observation & Analysis

User Interviews

Contextual Inquiries

UX Audits

Usability Tests

Cognitive Walkthrough


User Stories

User Journey Maps

Functional Analysis


Designing safe medical devices is our priority

The IEC 62366-1 standard on human factors engineering recommends an iterative, user-centered design approach to designing a safe medical device. That is what we apply through our UX methodology.

We work with IEC 62366-1

We listen and observe users in their environment

To deeply understand the challenges and motivations of people who will use your product or system, we encourage and conduct research methods to involve them directly. We also apply inspection methods that do not involve users but usability experts. They are systematic and based on proven principles, allowing us to quickly identify major utilisability issues during formative and summative evaluations:

Observation & Analysis

Immersion, shadowing, and tracking: we use several methods to observe real-time users’ uses and behaviors.

User Interviews

Directive or semi-directive user interviews provide qualitative data to understand user needs and frustrations better.

Contextual Inquiry

While the user is performing his task in his environment, we ask him questions about his actions, his habits and his behavior.

Usability Testing

To evaluate a product or interface, we have it tested by users. We observe how they interact with the prototype or with the final product.

UX Audit

With this inspection method, we evaluate the interface usability and design according to specific criteria to minimize design flaws.

Cognitive Walkthrough

Our experts evaluate the ease of use and learnability of an interface by verifying that users can perform the actions allowed or proposed.

We communicate our insights with powerful tools

To gather, analyze and communicate our observations to the client, we use several method and tools:


We create archetype user profiles from data collected during the observation phase. They guide us throughout the design process.

User stories

We rely on scenarios that could take place in real life to design user journeys that correspond to the context of a product’s use.

Customer journey maps

We focus on the user experience by putting ourselves in their shoes to find improvement opportunities.

Task analysis

We look at the nature and order of all the tasks and subtasks the user will have to accomplish to reach his goal.

Functional analysis

We analyze each feature and rank them in order of importance to the user.


Images are sometimes more powerful than words, so we depict the user experience through a short comic strip.

We keep our focus on the user throughout the project journey

At CLEIO, project teams are multidisciplinary. We transform issues and opportunities identified through UX activities into safe, intuitive, and enjoyable to-use interfaces and physical products.

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