2024 Défis du parc: Team CLEIO Takes on the Challenge again! 

By Caroline

What a weekend! Our amazing CLEIO crew headed out to La Mauricie National Park to take part in the Défis du Parc for the second year in a row, and the experience was nothing short of epic.

The event featured three grueling cycling challenges: a 57 km, a 80 km and a 105 km ride. No matter the distance, our team gave it their all, pushing through every climb and curve with incredible energy. It wasn’t just about crossing the finish line; it was about camaraderie, determination, and creating memories that we’ll carry with us long after the event.

A special shoutout goes to Devon C. Campbell (Prodct), Guillaume Lachance Gotzmann, and Pawel Mysior, who joined us for the ride.

And of course, huge thanks to our dedicated CLEIO team members:

Joannie Desroches, PhD, Francois Gelinas, Sébastien Cossette, Laurent Messier, Pierre-André Couture, Ing., David Dupuis, Karen Grégoire, Ivan Napoles, M. Eng., Alex Boivin, William Pelletier, and Philippe Lapierre.

You all made this day unforgettable! As we look back on the ride, we’re already excited for next year. Until then, we’ll be working our legs off to beat our time next year!

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